Are you ready to be free and flow in love?

Most of us have chronic pains in our body at any one time. When we experience pains and stressful situations, we record tensions in our mind and body doubly. Even when our minds process our stressful experiences rather quickly, our natural body needs more time to process. Often we don’t have enough time and space to give our bodies to heal. Memories of our painful experiences are stored in our bodies as energy blocks within the connective tissue that lubricates, organizes and binds all of the physiological structures within the body. This tissue is named ‘Fascia’, a Latin word meaning ‘band’ or ‘bandage’.

If chronic pains in our body are not treated to be released, this stuck energy in shortened and hardened soft tissue will hold you into a certain dysfunctional pattern and creates more rigidity and limitation for your life, sometimes manifesting as physical illness or depression. The goal of my session is to support you to release those energy blocks, relieve pains, and activate the body’s natural ability for self-regulation and healing.

As Dr. Dianne M. Connelly puts it, 'All sickness is Homesickness'. Our real home is in connection with our true essence, which one can experience as a flow in love.




‘Already in my first session with Yu  I was able to release some very old, deep held grief. The tightness I’ve felt in my chest for as long as I can remember slowly melted away under her hands. I felt so safe and nurtured throughout - and it’s amazing to witness how much deeper I’m able to breathe now. I couldn’t recommend Yu more highly!’


'What I loved about the session I received from Yu was that I felt safe, supported and loved. Before the session, I felt a strong spike of anxiety and after the session, I could feel a very pleasant flow of energy running through my whole body for the rest of the day... What a gift! I had never felt this before. A big thank-you.' 





'Throughout the session I had with Yu, her presence gave me safety.  Her ability to hold space allowed me to go deep in the process and to release stuck energy and anger in a not overwhelming way. With softness, presence and love she guided me through.  I highly recommend her as her approach is unique combining knowledge, sensitivity, presence and different techniques suitable for the unique situation of each person on her table.  I feel grateful and blissful.'


'I experienced a beautiful session with Yu. I not only perceived her work physically but also energetically. The release in this method can happen in many ways. In this session it was very energetic and also expressed through heat.

Yu held my space softly and strong and she was very present. She went along with me and my body and didn't steer this ‘journey’ rather she enabled it.

She always noticed where the energy in my body changed and released. This helped me to become more aware of my process.'


'I met Yu after years of exploring bodywork and other somatic healing modalities to soften the chronic tension I feel in my body.

From her first touch, my body began to relax at a deep subconscious level. I could sense her calm presence and compassion holding me throughout our sessions, opening a safe space for my stored tensions and pains to surface and release.

Most incredible was her use of the body’s energy lines and nerve points to elicit a dynamic healing flow that moved effortlessly through me, using her unique and powerful blend of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Myofascial Release Bodywork.

Our sessions have unlocked new levels of power, fluidity and trust in my body and being. I am so grateful to you Yu for sharing your powerful healing touch with me.'





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